That being said, I am happy to say that "Persnickety" is a proud purveyor of Michael W. Moses ceramic art pottery. I have been searching for just the right place for my pottery and I was very pleased to have "Persnickety" take a hand-picked group of 45 pieces of my pottery. We went up to Jackson yesterday, 26 June to make the installation and found the owner of "Persnickety", Ben Rogers and his staff to be helpful and knowledgeable. All went swiftly and the installation was complete in just a couple of hours.
Here are some photos of the showcase my pottery will reside. You will note the juxtaposition and contrast is startling. The placement in an antique style display case which can be seen stage right, just as you enter the door, makes for maximum impact to the eye. The bright flash of colors and the non-traditional shapes pulls the eye immediately.
"Persnickety" is no stranger to fine items and their inventory is diverse and well placed. Discriminating buyers can choose items that have been carefully selected to tickle the fancy of the upscale buyer. Anybody can have a store, but not all can match the painstaking research and selection available at "Persnickety".
I’d like to thank The owner Ben Rogers, his Family and fine staff for making this an easy and enjoyable experience. I hope that people in the Madison and Jackson area will see my pottery there at "Persnickety" and feel like for a brief moment, they are on the Gulf Coast.