Saturday, January 4, 2014

Michael W. Moses and the Frozen Bubble Photography of Angela Kelly

This morning I noticed a link to an image that a Facebook friend posted and I was immediately filled with a child-like thrill. One look at these images set my mind awhirl with all manner of magical artistic thoughts.

When Angela Kelly of Washington state recently took these delightful images she was truly thinking on a different level.

The joy of these images is surely the playful nature of how they were created. It seems that it was a mother and child wanting to have a bit of fun on a dreadfully cold day....  First they went online and found a recipe to make bubbles.

 They ended up creating what may well be a new art form: "Frozen Bubble Photography",or "FBP". They found out that the icy cold air caused the bubbles to freeze and then she took photographs of the frozen bubbles. Now How cool is that!  Angela Kelly seems to have come up with a really beautiful Idea. Have you ever heard of such a thing?  Blowing bubbles in an atmosphere cold enough for them to almost instantly freeze and then having the thought to take images of them.  Each one is a unique moment in time. A bubble frozen in place and recorded in an image that one can view now and later. To me these frozen bubbles are the epitome of what photography is about, the capture of a single heartbeat in time, stored for future use.

 I know that I have never seen anything like it. I find it every bit as amazing as the images of Wilson A. Bentley who did the first snowflake macro photography in 1885.

You can see these wonderful images by MS Kelly at her Etsy shop.

I have to add that her work reminds me of of the frozen water balloons that were popular awhile back all over the frozen north.

I guess living on the Mississippi Gulf Coast I will not be trying any "FBP's" in the near future.

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