Monday, February 28, 2011

Michael W. Moses Art pottery vase and plum blossoms with haiku by Chiyo-jo

What I did today. I spent the day at the shop. Not a whole lot of people came in today. I spent most of the day working on a new vase. I took a few minutes to cut a small branch of flowering plume and place it in one of my vases that I call "Passion Red Fruit Vase". I specifically designed this intensely red vase with a small hole in the side where a single stem could be inserted leaving the large main opening of the vase free of flowers. I then took a few digital images. here is one that I processed this evening using Photoshop. I added an appropriate haiku by Chiyo-jo and this is the finished image. Signed prints available.

To the person breaking off the branch,
giving its fragrance,
the plum blossom.


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